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Custom Search

Sunday, October 12, 2008


• "ls" command
- Linux command used to list the files in a given directory
- Most common method for displaying files
- Displays all the files in the current directory in columnar format

• "ll" command
- Alias for the ls -l command
- Gives a long file listing

• File command
-Linux command that displays the file type of a specified filename

• Text file
- File that stores information in a readable text format
• Some filenames inside each user’s home directory represent important configuration
files or program directories
• Hidden files
– Files that are not normally displayed to the user via
common filesystem commands

List option :
-a or --all = list all filenames
-A or --almost-all = List most filenames (excludes the . and .. special files)
-C = lists filenames in column format
--color=n = list filenames without sorting
-f = lists all filenames without sorting
-F or --classify = lists filenames classified by file type
--full-time = lists filenames in long format and displays the full modification time
-l = lists filenames in long format
-lh or -l --human-readable = lists filenames in long format with human-readable (easy-to-read)
-lG or -l --no-group or -o = lists filenames in long format but omits the group information
-r or --reverse = list filenames reverse sorted
-R or --recursive = lists filenames in the specified directory and all subdirectories
-s = lists filenames and their associated size in kilobytes (K)
-S = lists filenames sorted by file size
-t = lists filenames sorted by modification time
-U = lists filenames without sorting
-x = lists filenames in rows rather than in columns

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