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Saturday, January 31, 2009


Samba is an application which is running on Linux operating system. This application commonly used for sharing file and printer. Samba develop SMB (Server Message Block) protocol which could used for communicated with Microsoft Windows family.

Samba is consisted with 2 important component, smbd and nmbd, which both is a service which needed by Samba to could work properly.

Smbd is functioned as daemon service which needed for communication beetween Linux and Windows in order to enable file sharing and printer sharing. Nmbd is functioned as a server which serving request by Netbios using IP address which is generated by SMB/CIFS on Windows operating system and nmbd could make protocol like "Network Neighborhood".

Samba Server Installation

Samba installation could be installed with Synaptic Package Manager or terminal.

Open terminal and type command like below:
$ sudo apt-get install samba

After finished installation, check file gdbcommands and samba.conf in /etc/samba. If both file is exist, our installation is succees.

Configure Samba Server

We have edited smb.conf file to make sharing security access

- Open smb.conf form terminal
$ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
- Add folder which want to share
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = Ubuntu
server string = UbuntuSambaServer
security = share
host allow = 127.0.01

[sharing data]
path = /home/bearisusanto/share
comment = ubuntu File SharingShow all
public = yes
read only = yes
browseable = yes
- Restart samba server
$ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

To see our configuration is success, you could see from client by open Windows explorer or open from Nautilus File manager

Adopted from : Info Linux Magazines, January 2009 Edition

Friday, January 30, 2009

Wifi WEP Cracking Using Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG

Crack WEP with Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG is a task that can employ you for a long time. The Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG network adapter driver that comes from the manufacturer does not provide packet injection and network monitoring capabilities which are needed to crack WEP, and therefore before you attempt WEP cracking efforts, you have to update your driver first which can be a daunting task.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Simple File Sharing Desktop Application

Giver is a simple file sharing desktop application. Other people running Giver on your network are automatically discovered and you can send files to them by simply dragging the files to their photo or icon shown in Giver. There is no knowledge or set up needed beyond what the person looks like or their name to use Giver.

Install application : apt-get install giver

Or downloaded the source from http://code.google.com/p/giver/downloads/list

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Full Circle - The Ubuntu Community Magazine

It's hard to believe th at Ubuntu is now four years old and has been through several versions already. First released in October 2004 by Canonical Limited, and originally called no-name-yet.com (which still works incidentally), Ubuntu is a fork of the decade-old Debian GNU/Linux. The name, Ubuntu, comes from the Zulu and Xhosa concept of ubuntu which means 'I am what I am because of who we all are ,'which becomes 'Linux for Human Beings ' – Ubuntu's slogan. For a desktop environment, Ubuntu used GNOME and, like GNOME, Ubuntu promised new versions every six months - something no other Linux distribution would promised , even today.

Each release of the Ubuntu core was given a code name. Warty Warthog being the first, with each subsequent release being given a somewhat humorous animal code name .

Edisi 01, Edisi 02, Edisi 03, Edisi 04, Edisi 05, Edisi 06, Edisi 07, Edisi 08, Edisi 09, Edisi 10, Edisi 11, Edisi 12, Edisi 13, Edisi 14, Edisi 15, Edisi 16, Edisi 17, Edisi 18, Edisi 19

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have Canon EOS-400D and want to transfer my image into my notebook.
Here is my way to imported.
1. Connect CANON cable data to USB Port
2. Turn ON camera
3. Pop-up windows will show which ask which application to use imported picture

4. Choose "fSpot" then press OK
5. Select photo pop-up will appear
6. Choose photo which will be imported
7. Press "Copy"

8. Foto now imported to our hardisk

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BLANKON 4 "Meuligoe"

BlankOn merupakan distro turunan Ubuntu, dapat diinstall di atas sistem Ubuntu aslinya (dengan apt-get) atau dengan CD/DVD repositori. Pada prinsipnya, BlankOn hanya menyediakan paket-paket penambahan/pengurangan, berfokus ke pengguna awam, dan membuat distro Linux yang "Just Work" untuk penggunanya. Target utama BlankOn adalah sekolah-sekolah serta usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia.

BlankOn Linux dikembangkan oleh Yayasan Penggerak Linux Indonesia dan Komunitas Ubuntu Indonesia demi menghasilkan distro Linux yag khas Indonesia.

BlankOn 4 Meuligoe yang menggunakan kata "Meuligoe" dibuat dengan menggunakan Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) sebagai basis utamanya. Terdiri dari dua varian, yaitu versi standar (spesifikasi hardware tinggi) dan minimalis (spesifikasi hardware rendah).

Fitur BlankOn 4
1. Kernel 2.6.27-7
2. Openoffice.org 2.4.1
3. Desktop GNOME 2.24.1
4. Interface pengguna yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
5. Aplikasi Inkscape sebagai pengolah gambar vector
6. Memory swap virtual dengan modul kernel compcache yang memungkinkan LiveCD berjalan mulus walau jumlah RAM terbatas.

Tertarik untuk menggunakan BlankOn hasil kreasi anak negeri??
Lihat situs resminya di http://blankonlinux.or.id

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


With a little configuration, webcam on MSI Wind could work better on Intrepid

MSI Wind have many webcam model. To know which webcam model install at your MSI, activate the webcam by press Fn-F6 and run this command from terminal:
$ lsusb

Find the webcam ID from the command output lsusb, example:5986:0203
5986:0203 BisonCam (Acer)

Download the latest UVC Linux driver from LinuxTV.org. For this example, the driver used is from http://linuxtv.org/hg/%7Epinchartl/uvcvideo/archieve/tip.tar.gz.

In order could installated, UVC Linux need some packages. The UVC Linux packages depencies which run this command:
$sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential linux-headers-
$(uname -r)

Do the installation process:
$tar xzvf tip.tar.gz
$cd uvcvideo-0f0594461ca5/
$sudo make install
$sudo depmod -ae
$(uname -r)

After finish installation, reboot the notebook to activate the changes.

Source: InfoLinux Magazines

Friday, January 2, 2009

GET tar.gz File Information

Gzip is standard file compression in unix but many file or source code is packeted in tarball and compressed with gzip (tar.gz). Now we want get detail information from tar.gz from shell script.

We have tar.gz file and we want to know detail information in this file.
Open shell script because we played in command mode.

root@hardy:/home# ls -l currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz
-rwx------ 1 bearisusanto root 474768 2008-09-09 18:16 currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz

root@hardy:/home# file currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz
currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue May 22 14:04:06 2007, max compression

If we want to know file type, add -z option in command:
root@hardy:/home# file -z currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz
currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz: tar archive (gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue May 22 14:04:06 2007, max compression)

From information we know that currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz is gzip file which maximally compressed, where contain a tar file.

Get file contain
Now we want get the file contain without extracted. The easy way is with -t(list) option which has by tar program, combinated with -z (gzip file) and -f (file name) like below:
root@hardy:/home# tar ztf currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz

To get amount of line, use wc program
root@hardy:/home# tar ztf currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz |wc -l

To get information like this:
1.Compression file
2.Un-compression file
3.Compression ratio
4.Un-compression file name
5.Compression method (deflate,compress,lzh, & pack)

Just running gzip program with -l(list) option combinated with -v(verbose)
root@hardy:/home# gzip -vl currenttrack-1.2.tar.gz
method crc date time compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_name
defla cdbbf3ae Sep 9 18:16 474768 2775040 82.9% currenttrack-1.2.tar